Hello, we are some of the Alentejowomen. During the time you will meet many other women who life in this wonderful area called Alentejo.
Hier beginnt unsere Reise. Wir freuen uns, dass du hier bist, um Teil unserer Geschichten zu sein.
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Here we start with our journey. We are glad that you are here with us to be part of our stories
find more of our videos by youtube
Every one of our four cats is an original. And since they life with us, we dont have mice anymore in our house.
our friends and housemates on four paws
our small herd of three horses feel at home in their well known surrounding
After stormy weather and a strong rain it is necessary to control the fence, if any branches interrupt the electricity....
Our banana trees are hugh. They get all the water and "other things" from our bathroom, only nature. In the summer we have a lot of bananas. Sometimes 140 Bananas on one perennial.
The lemons from the lemon tree are now mature, in January.
The cellar we built with stones from our property. We have a lot of stones. We are stone-rich :)
I love to make some music....this song is in portugues and I love it, because it tells about the rain we appreciate so much.
There is a mistake I made with the guitarre, I hope it does not disturb you too much ;)
Since years I do not know exactly, how I can correct install the gazbottle, so I always need a hammer :)
The ash of the oven will be used especially for the citrus trees. They love it and I love it too
Every evening we go to our horses to give them some food. During the day they are outside the paddock and truely free and they have a lot of space on the land from our neighbours
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